2021 sezonas jaunumi
Hello everyone,
As you all know, both Quebec and Ontario are in various stages of lockdown due to COVID-19. The Grenville-sur-la-Rouge municipality is currently at Level 4 - read about specifics here. Nevertheless, we've started planning the 2021 season, and are able to provide some updates.
- Due to COVID-19 restrictions currently in force in Quebec (linked above), no in-person events are currently being planned. We will be re-evaluating this at every opportunity, and waiting for updates from the province.
- Spring maintenance still needs to be done! As such, we are tentatively planning our spring Work Bee on May 22, 2021 from 10am until 3pm. While gatherings are prohibited, we welcome any and all help with getting Lielā Māja and the camp buildings ready for the season. We will post a list of tasks that need to be done in advance.
As always, all plans are subject to change as the COVID-19 situation changes.
Stay tuned, and hang in there!